Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Welcome Swiss and Germans

This is kind of old news, but a couple weeks ago, a reader e-mailed me to let me know that my Journal had appeared in a popular German Newspaper! It was an article on Greyhawk of the Mudville Gazette and his Milblogs ring. My milblog was one of the ones mentioned in the article found here.,tt4m2/computer/artikel/630/58572/

I ran the article through Altavista Babel Fish. (It's in German.) Here's a quote.

So one must look for one while for really interesting entries and photos. But it gives. For example in "Graham's journal" of Graham wolf, which describes among other things, as it and the members of its unit with the death of three comrades become finished: "I do not believe yet that I am prepared for death."

So I know it's late, but if there are any more German readers still passing through, let me say Welcome!

Also, a reader wrote me and said that he found my blog in a newspaper in Zurich this past weekend. I haven't been able to find that article. But if there are any Swiss readers, I welcome you too. :-)


At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blog is in my favorites since that article in "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" (but sorry, I´m no Science-Fiction-Fan).

Best regards

Lueneburg, Germany

At 3:01 AM, Blogger Graham said...

Thank you very much! :-)

Sorry to hear you're no science fiction fan. But hey, maybe you just haven't found the kind of science fiction you like.

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Graham,

greetings from Hamburg, Germany. I also read about your blog on Since then, I stop by from time to time. Your articles are very movi together and running over, will be poured out unto you. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." ... Luke 6:38

Hurricane Katrina is bringing this all back to me....

I've had to learn a lot about giving. Some of you may recall that I used to be a bonafide cheapskate. Ah, those were the days when my life was all about making something from nothing... you should have seen some of the stuff I came up with! And of course, being frugal is one thing... but being a cheapskate out of fear of lack is quite another.

Then God came along and began changing me, especially in

At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Graham,

greetings from Hamburg, Germany. I also read about your blog on Since then, I stop by from time to time. Your articles are very moving. Reading about the thougts and feelings of a soldier has given me a whole new impression on this war in Iraq.

Also, I want to say that i'm a big scifi-fan. Timothy Zahn and Arthur C. Clarke are two of my favourite writers.

I hope I'll finish reading your novel soon, so can send you some comments about it. I haven't read a good end-times novel so far, and i'm quite curious about your's :-)

At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again,

I really don't know what happened at the third comment of this thread. The first part was obviously written by me. But I didn't write anything about Katrina... Looks like Blogger mixed two different comments together.

Sorry for that - don't know how this could happen :-/

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Graham said...

Very strange. Looks like blogger did screw up.

Jan, thank you for reading my book! I would be very interested in knowing what you think of ot.

At 2:22 AM, Blogger jenny said...

HI, I relly like your blog, but I am sorry, because i didn't read your book because I am not a big fan of this. But your blog is fantastic.i am quite interesting in this, but I can't imagine that you have a time for doing this, but continue


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