Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Let's Focus on the Bad News in Iraq

This is my obligatory political rant. For the most part, this blog has been about my unique experiences in Iraq. I've purposely avoided political opinion. I mean, why should the world care what a 29 year old college drop-out thinks? But now I think that I should give it a shot. It's kinda like drugs. Everybody's gotta try it once. So here goes.

I am sick and tired of the media reporting about the good news coming out of Iraq.

That's right, you heard me. I am sick of hearing about all the schools being built, and all the Iraqi children vaccinated by Army medics. I sick of hearing about how the economy of Iraq is getting better, and how all Iraqis have cell phones and satellite dishes now. I really don't give a damn.

It seems like the mainstream media has become so polarized and stupidified that it portrays America as being evenly split between two factions. Either you are zealot who blindly agrees with everything the Bush administration says. Or you follow the inanity of the anti-war movement and take the diatribes of morons like Michael Moore or Cindy Sheehan seriously.

Whatever you call them, the Cons, or Righties, or Reds complain about how the media never reports on the good news in Iraq. These people speak for half the country. And they've decided what the major issue should be. They've decided that this half of the country shouldn't focus on the bad news. Neither should they focus on the good news. Instead, they should focus on what the media is focusing on.

Meanwhile, the Libs, or Lefties, or Blues have focused on what is truly important to the people of Iraq today. The fact that no WMD's were found two years ago. They sound just like a broken record. WMD's. WMD's. WMD's.

Now hold on. I know what you're thinking. Back up there a minute, guy. How dare you call that poor grieving mother, Cindy Sheehan a moron?

I said it, and I don't regret it. I'm sorry that her son died. She's experiencing a sorrow I can't imagine. But the moment she decided to channel her grief into that specific political cause, she forfeited her right to sympathy from me. Not only is she demoralizing troops that are risking their lives right now. She's dishonoring other soldiers who have died and increasing the sorrow of other mothers and fathers who have lost their sons.

It doesn't get much more moronic than an interview with Mark Knoller of CBS in which Cindy Sheehan, when speaking about the terrorists coming in from other countries into Iraq, referred to them as "freedom fighters."

"Freedom fighters."

Well...on August 17, the "freedom fighters" carried out a coordinated attack in Baghdad against the evil imperialistic American Empire. Did they attack an American base?No, they attacked a bus station used by Iraqi civillians. Two car bombs went off within minutes of each other. Three buses packed with passengers burned up. But wait, there's more. In a brilliant move of strategy, 15 minutes later, with a third car bomb, the freedom fighters attacked nearby Al-Kindi hospital, where emergency personnel were moving their casualties. 43 people were killed. But as an Interior Ministry official said, "The casualty figure could rise as there are charred bodies all over the place,"


Now, if you're not stunned by these heroic freedom fighters yet, let me tell you about another battle in their glorious revolution. On July 14, also in Baghdad, a suicide freedom-bomber drove his vehicle up to an American Humvee and detonated. He killed one US soldier and 27 Iraqi civilians. 13 of those civilians were children who had gathered around the humvee, because the American soldiers were passing out sweets. Obviously, that freedom fighter had to have been very brave, not allowing his sympathies to stop him from carrying out that attack. Those children were apostates who were accepting candy from the evil imperialist Americans, so clearly they deserved to die.


The freedom fighters carried out another attack August 9 in Baghdad, of which I'm having a little trouble finding any media coverage more in depth than a couple sentences. I guess MSM was too busy reporting on all the good news to have given that story very much attention. Let me supplement that with what little I know about this incident.

An American convoy was passing through a traffic circle in Baghdad which is surrounded by a busy marketplace. This marketplace is used by, I assume, the area's mostly Shi'ite and Christian population. A suicide car bomber attacked the convoy and detonated near the first vehicle. Soldiers who responded to the scene reported seeing body parts laying all over the road, including body parts small enough to be considered child-sized. I haven't heard of any accurate body counts for this attack, but I've heard figures around thirty and forty from foreign nationals. (iraqibodycount.net reports that between 3 and 6 died. I know that's way off.)

In that blast, one American soldier died. His name is Miguel Carrasquillo. He was a brother in arms, a member of my battery, and for a while was also my roommate back at Fort Stewart. He died while engaging the suicide bomber as he drove towards the convoy. I will remember him as one of the bravest men I've ever known.

Cindy Sheehan, he is the true freedom fighter.

In a recent op-ed, retired Army general Wesley Clark said that Bush is in danger of repeating the mistake of Vietnam. "Failing to craft a realistic policy and effective policy and instead demanding that the American people show resolve." The fact that people like Cindy Sheehan are calling for withdrawal in Iraq is, in itself, not remarkable. But the fact that MSM pays so much attention to her is really bad news.

I realize that America has it's own share of bad news with the hurricane Katrina disaster. But I have no doubt that that's going to be taken care of. Iraq's future is much less certain. Just a few days ago Iraq suffered one of it's bloodiest days since the invasion. A suicide bomber attacked a group of men in the district of Kadhimiya. The men weren't soldiers. They were day laborers looking for work. They were poor men with no steady employment just looking for a way to support their family. The suicide bomber pulled up in a bus packed with explosives and posed as a possible employer. He detonated when the men gathered around and took out one hundred twelve men. LINK

That's one hundred twelve families ripped apart. One hundred twelve lost sons and brothers. One hundred twelve separate tragedies that only receive a single day's thought from the MSM because they aren't American. Because they don't have an opinion on whether Mayor Nagin, Governor Blanco, or President Bush deserves the most blame for the destruction of New Orleans. Because the moral cowards want to parade around a grieving mother who is, quite literally, insane.

Sure, there's plenty of good news in Iraq. But let's focus on the bad news. Let's impress on everyone what a tragic mistake it would be to prematurely pull our forces out of Iraq. Let's make sure everybody remembers what kind of inhuman monsters we're fighting. Let's finish what we started.


At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came to your site via Mudville Gazette, just out of curiosity to his headline for your post. You wrote an outstanding piece, if I may say so. It is always of great interest to me what the perspective is of guys and gals like you who are "over there" right now. I think there is a lot of awareness in the US, especially through milblogs, of what events-- especially US domestic news-- are affecting your morale during your deployments. If I may, though, I'd like to offer some perspective for you too. As a civilian (who served in the Navy thirteen years ago) living in mid-South US, I can say that you are right on with your take on this (broadly speaking) Red State = positive, Blue State = negative model. But please know (in case you don't) that it is much more complex than that, at least as far as the so-called Red Staters like me are concerned. Yes, we often counter those anti-war arguments with "good news", but that's really just making ourselves feel better. Most of us are VERY much aware of the stakes and the toll on Iraqi civilians as well as our troops. That may be difficult to see at times for someone at eye-to-eye with those stakes on a daily basis (and God Bless you for that) but I just want to assure you that the "big picture" doesn't escape our notice. Sometimes, though, the arguments tossed up by those who would have us ignore reality are so ludicrous and simplistic, and so ignorant of what are the true stakes, that our arguments may appear simplistic and narrowly focused as well. Take care!

At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen..Well said.

Just another soldier...

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Excellent post, Graham. Keep up the good work, be safe. Keep your eyes open and your posts coming.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Harrywr2 said...


How about some "good news" from America.

New York Times announces 500 layoffs

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from the Northwest.

Excellent post. I will be sharing it with others.

Thank you for your Service.

At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great post, I'll be sure to visit again.

At 5:05 PM, Blogger total said...

Excellent post.

I read every word, with rapt attention to what you had to say.

I hope that you are right.

I hope you are right.

At 2:24 PM, Blogger pebblepie said...

Oh maybe you just need some of that "Cholesterol medication" LOL

Sorry it was the first comment I saw.

Yes, I agree with all you said. Basrah, has it really bad too.

~ *Be well dear one * ~

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn fine rant! Right on target too!

At 1:15 AM, Blogger pebblepie said...

There is proof this morning that the leftist media propaganda campaign over the war in Iraq is working. According to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, fewer than half of Americans surveyed believe the United States will win the Iraq war and 55 percent say we should speed withdrawal plans. This proves two things:

1.) Having been indoctrinated in government schools, most people are ignorant about world events. If they would ignore the partisan media long enough, they would realize that we have already won the war in Iraq. Yes, we are still fighting Islamic terrorists who hate democracy and the rule of law, but the war has been won. By every measure of history and modern warfare, the war in Iraq has been won many times over. Take your pick of the following successes: a new Constitution, elections, Saddam Hussein in jail, much lower casualties than predicted (although still too many at just under 2,000.)

2.) If people think we should speed the withdrawal, then they don't care who wins the war. If the Coalition (yes, there still is one) were to pull out now, Iraq would fall to Zarqawi and his band of Islamic killers. If you're worried about losing the war, then why speed the withdrawal? The answer is that you don't. It would be a disastrous failure and would threaten the security of the United States.

The media's blatant ignoring of good news from Iraq along with their propaganda campaign to try and sink George Bush seems to be having an effect. Oh well.

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Graham said...

Hey, NOTR. Thanks!

Pebble Pie, I hope the propaganda isn't as bad as you say. I haven't really been following all what's being said about the anti-war rally in Washington, and how it's being portrayed. But I was happy to see some coverage of the pro-war counter protestors out there. Thanks for stopping by.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Graham said...

Steve, I'm sure you're are right. I do think that most pro-war people, be they red or blue, do understand that there's good and bad news in Iraq. And they understand the nuance and what's at stake. It just seems like like the MSM likes to polarize things, as if appealing to the lowest common denominator. I think they do this for the "MTV generation." The only problem is, I'm part of that generation. That's what's depressing. Thanks for reading.

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Graham said...

Thanks for reading John, Allan, and Janie. Thanks and Hoo-ah! Dadmanly and anonymous soldier.

Thanks for reading, Student's Dad. Is it wrong for me to rejoice in MSM's misfortune? :-)

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wolf. i would like to say your a great friend and soldier. this i believe speaks for all of us here in bravo battery and acrossed iraq. you are doing a outstading job with this. you do have a great talent at writing. you go so in depth,I read it all. MY thoughts and feelings are the same. i hope you suceed in this. All of us here in bravo will never forget the four soliders that have fallen and one that is wounded. keep it up and be safe out there wolf. I'll see ya soon. may god be with you.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I oppose the Iraq War and believe that the U.S. will soon have no choice but to leave that country. I'm thinking of writing a series of postings on a blog I have created to further explain my views. If I do, I will post the links here at a later time.

In the past I have found myself in some intense Internet verbal battles that I think wound up as exercises in talking past each other, so I think the way to go is to write those postings in a hope that I say what I really mean and manage to stay away from flights of hyperbole. But I'm only going to do it if I think there's a possibility of rational conversation as opposed to a mere exchange of epithets.

For now, I'll make the following points.

1. I think the U.S. will fail in Iraq because of a series of strategic and tactical blunders. I don't hope for this, but I think it's almost inevitable as the result of the mismanagement of the war by this country's civilian and military leadership.

2. As for Cindy Sheehan, I briefly had a somewhat positive view of her activities but I think she has made a series of very unwise statements. In particular, if she really sympathizes with the Iraq insurgents who do the things you've described then she's lost me.

I would like to think that she made those comments in the heat of the moment;or that they were lifted out of context to make it appear as if she holds views that she does not hold; or that she has been manipulated by people around her. But it's impossible for me to really know.

3. I think Sheehan's detractors are treating her, and those opposed to the war, as caricatures. I think they're following a political strategy of portraying opposition to the Iraq War a remnants of the anti-Vietnam War radical movement. I think this is wrong at a variety of levels, but unfortunately Sheehan has been manuevered (or maneuvered herself -- again, it's impossible for me to say from this distance) into a position where she's vulnerable to being cast in that light.

4. Wars do a variety of things, and one of them is to test the societies that fight them. The Iraq War is testing this country's social and political integrity and bringing to light some deep problems. One of them is a serious erosion of our ability to sustain a rational conversation between political opponents.

5. One critical test of a person's intelligence and maturity is to see whether they can integrate their experiences into a longer view of the issues at hand. Nowhere is that task harder than when the experiences are of the kind that are seen in war. The ability to cut through the fog and blood of battle and see the large picture is rare.

Graham, when you make political comments that's the challenge you face. The comments you've posted will instantly get fulsome praise from a certain contigent, but what I've seen so far is primarily emotion. I say that as someone who has been through some intense emotions on the other side.

6. I genuinely appreciate your military service and that of everyone there. No one asked your opinion before sending you to fight. There are 300 million Americans and there are bound to be crazies among us. But I have yet to personally encounter anyone who disdains our troops. I wish for success and a safe return, but at the moment I am doubting the possibility of either.

Finally, I'll check back here to see the reaction to what I've posted. In particular, I'll be looking for [i]yours[/i] as opposed to that of others, and then I'll decide how to proceed. Ball's in your court.

At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a political reality check:


At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn wolf i had now idea you actually felt this way about being there so when you get i try and stop by to buy one last round at bar

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...


Eagerly awaiting your next post. What are you doing? Fighting a war? ha ha :) Looking forward to seeing the next post. Dana

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Graham said...

Sorry, been really busy lately.

Are you in Georgia???

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