Thursday, February 16, 2006

Shooting People

There's been a lot of talk in the news lately about what happened with our Veep, the Honorable Richard Cheney. Maybe people are shocked, or maybe surprised that such a thing could happen. Face the facts of life, stuff like this happens. It even happens with the highly trained men and women of the Armed Forces. I had the extreme displeasure of being close by when an accidental discharge claimed the life of a young soldier.

Can you imagine doing something so stupid, that immediately after you do it, you know that your life is ruined?

I was in the internet room when it happened. I was getting some precious time connected to the World Wide Web, time in which I can forget that I'm on the other side of the globe from my friends and family. So when I heard a sharp crack, followed by some guys across the hall yelling, "go get a medic!" my first thought was to ignore it. It sounded like someone broke a chair, or some othe piece of furniture. These guys were prolly horsing around, and somebody broke their arm, or their nose, or something.

The desperate tone in the voices out in the hall forced me to give this a second thought. One of the guys in the internet room asked if any of us were medics. Then another guy said that that sounded like a gunshot.

On second thought, it did sound like a gunshot. I left my iBook and my personal weapon behind and walked into the hallway to find shocked soldiers running past me in both directions. Then I heard something that couldn't be true. I overheard somebody say that the lieutenant shot him.

A lieutenant ran past me. I heard him say, "I shot a soldier in the head." He appeared to be laughing. Well then it must be a joke, I thought.

But it wasn't a joke. I asked a PFC who was walking out of the room where it had apparently happened. He said that the lieutenant accidently shot somebody. I assume he appeared to me to be laughing because he had become hysterical at that point. The lieutenant had run back into the hallway at this time and yelled, "I swear I cleared my weapon!" Then he fell on his knees and started screaming, Oh God, I'm so sorry!

The lieutenant got up and started running back and forth. I saw that he had blood on his hands. Two sergeants managed to grab him and goad him to a relatively empty part of the hall, next to the computer room. I managed to get in and grab my laptop and weapon before they sealed off the computer room. They black out all personal communications whenever someone dies.

When I got out, I saw that the lieutenant was on the ground. A captain was talking to him. Two majors were already in the hall on their cell phones, looking cool, as if they'd seen this type of thing a dozen times before. The captain was telling the LT that he needed to calm down and tell him what happened. He needed to know whether it was an accidental discharge, or if there was an armed Iraqi loose in the building. The lieutenant was crying, I shot a soldier. Oh God, I killed a soldier.

I swear, I have never seen such desperation. The LT's wailing was a memory that will haunt me all my days.

The two sergeants were attempting, unsuccessfully, to calm the LT down. When I passed by, I asked if they needed any help. Yeah, one of the sergeants said, we need some moist wipes.

I had trouble sleeping that night. I kept telling myself, this can't be happening. I know that a good percentage of wartime casualties are caused by accidents. But to die because somebody was too stupid to know that you never treat a rifle like it's a fucking toy?

I was reminded of a memory from Basic Training. I was at the firing range. Those of you who've been through Basic know that at the firing range, Drill Sergeant doesn't mess around. You have to be on you best behavior and do everything you're told perfectly. It was like, my fifth trip to the firing range. So I knew what to do. After you've expended your ammo, and the guy in the tower says, "cease fire," you put your weapon on safe, clear it, and place the plastic bolt block into the chamber. But I don't know why I did this. After firing, I cleared the weapon, put in the bolt block, and then put the weapon on safe. One of the Drills noticed that I did it in the wrong order and started running toward me. It was one of the meanest Drill Sergeants at Fort Sill. A man so ugly, we called him "Skeletor" behind his back. He grabbed my helmet and jerked my head back. He yelled, "What the fuck are you doing, Private? You want to kill one of your battle buddies with an accidental discharge?" He pointed at the guy in the next lane. "Can you live with his death on your conscience?" I yelled the only thing I could say, "No, Drill Sergeant!" He added one last thing before spinning on his boot heel and walking away in disgust. "You will never stop seeing his face!"

The Army lost two soldiers that day. I truthfully think that I would rather trade places with the soldier in the grave than with the lieutenant who's most likely in a cell right now. Not only is his military career over, he will prolly go to prison, for a while. I can't imagine the Army taking it easy on him for this. When he gets out, he'll have a record. No one will remember his four months of good service in a war zone. They'll just remember his four seconds of absolute idiocy. I heard that even McDonald's won't hire a guy with a military felony. But worst of all, I think that Drill Sergeant is right. He will never stop seeing his face.

Everybody has moments when they're retarded. Everybody has a time when they look back at something they did and say, what the Hell was I thinking? Why did God, in his infinite wisdom, allow this young officer's stupidity to intersect with the end of this young soldier's life, on this point of tragedy?

My whole point is, everyone should cut Cheney some slack. I'm sure he feels bad enough for what he did. I know that some people out there equate Dick Cheney with Adolf Hitler, so my plea will fall on deaf ears. But if you're one of those people, you shouldn't really be reading my blog. Instead you should click on DailyKos or some other such bullshit.

Anyway, it's the Thursday before a four day weekend. So I'm gonna go drink! (Well, drink some more, anyway :-[ ...)



At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Accidents are always so hard to reconcile, and I am so sorry for all involved. You are so right, the "what if's" and the "if I only's" can make you crazy. I pray the LT.finds peace. His life also matters. I also pray for the fallen soldier, and his family. We all owe them, the debt to all our fallen.

I was so glad to see a new post from you.God bless you. You are a wonderful writer. Take care.

Los Osos, CA

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Graham said...

Thank you very much. :-)

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your style. Great story too. You are now in my favorites box.

Comment: They don't train LT's enough before putting them on the line.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Sandra said...

Hi, I came across your blog this morning and it's one of my favorites. Just wanted to thank you for everything and let you know that you and the other soldiers and in my daily prayers. Being a military wife I know the sacrifice you guys make and I truly admire you for it. Stay Safe. God Bless :)

At 12:07 PM, Blogger AtaiDanu said...

Hey, you're back! Unfortunately the drills have to take a tactic like that otherwise I'm sure more accidental discharges will happen. It's unfortunate for both parties involved and him having to live with that for the rest of his life is punishment enough that he doesn't need the rest of us (the court system notwithstanding) pointing fingers and judging.

I can only imagine how much worst Cheney feels being that it's been all over the news.

At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of you people are pathetic! Here you are comparing a Lt. in a war who was mishandling a gun with a fat, drunk VP who shot his friend in the face while intending to pull the trigger.

This Lt.'s life and job are essential as dead as the soldier he shot while Dick Cheney continues in his job with a bunch of sycophantic slobs like you all feeling sorry for him! Wow!

Isn't accidentally shooting a man in the face and then obstructing justice by not speaking IMMEDIATELY to police at least as bad as lying about getting a blow job?

Of course you all know the answer, you're just so out-of-touch you will never admit it.

You are so wrong on this. The Lt. should pay and dearly, which I am sure he will and I am sorry for all involved. It is a terrible accident. Why does Dick Cheney deserve more of a break than that poor Lt.? Because he's rich? He's the VP? It should not matter. Carelessness and lying should be punished, and for good reason!!!!

At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think Michael got the point of the story. No where did Graham say that Cheney should get more of a break than than the soilder and he wasnt defending Cheney's behavior either. Take your negativity to another blog Michael.

At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous. Michael needs to get his head out of his ass!!!

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nowhere did I say that Graham said Cheney deserved more of a break than the LT. The fact is that he IS getting one, regardless. My point was simply that no one should feel sorry for Cheney, which Graham and others obviously do and that is straight up wrong!. Cheney got off easy. And yes, Graham, was asking people to take it easy on poor mister Cheney because shooting a guy might make him feel bad. My point was that feeling bad is all that Cheney is suffering where the LT is feeling bad and has to serve time, lose his job and possibly never get another decent one.

It is only republicans who are directly on the Bush/Cheney payroll, military drones and their equally indoctrinated families tripping over themselves to defend this bunch of crooks who have their heads in their asses. Certainly not me.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Graham said...

Sandra, ataidanu, and all you anonymous guys, thanks for your comments. I appreciate it.

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Graham said...

Mr. Buchanan, perhaps I should have been more clear. When I said that people should cut the VP some slack, I was refering to bloggers, and maybe media people. I didn't mean to imply that people in the justice system should not do their job and punish Dick Cheney, or force him to pay compensation. (I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know whether what he did is a tort or an actual crime.)

Also, in this country, isn't it true that you don't have to speak to the police at all if you think you may incriminate yourself? I'm pretty sure that Cheney did not "obstruct justice," but then again, I'm not a lawyer.

At 2:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you are exactly right. It is within your miranda rights to remain silent after you are placed under arrest. But the police must interview anyone involved in a shooting, accidental or otherwise. For one they have to determine if alcohol was involved because if it was, then the incident becomes much more serious. If the police didn't speak to Cheney until the next day, it would be impossible to access if alcohol was used and then we are forced to rely on the word of the VP and his close personal friends. And I don't know if you know this or not, but politicians have been known to lie.

So maybe you are just really naive, or maybe you have no respect for the law, but trust me, if it was you are me involved in this 'accident' the police would not simply take our good friends' word for it that we hadn't been drinking. Why should the VP get special trreatment?

The blogsphere and the media are not responding to the accident itself, but the obvious avoidance of law enforcement by a VP who has since admitted to having a beer before going hunting and fixing himself a cocktail as soon as he returned to the ranch after the incident. We patriots refer to this as an ownership society. Respecting the rule of law and so on.

I think republicans, democrats and independents can find miles of common ground to stand on, but it is difficult when die-hard Bushbots go out of their way to defend the indefensible. Most of us want cleaner government, but with these crooks, it is impossible.

At 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Graham!

It's nice to read your recent article. You are a really good writer.

I'm one of the guys from Germany who found your article in

The thing abou Dick Cheney is that she used a weapon like a toy. In Germany weaopons are forbitten for the civilians. Only the police and the army has some.

In the Cheney case we see that people should never use weapons until it's absolutely nesecary. Otherwise people got "pepered" without reason. It just doesn't only happen when you go hunting. This accidents happen everywhere in the US. A mother who shuts a guy who comes in her house at night.... later she sees that he's her son.

When we blame cheney we don't blame him directly. What we wan't to say it that the system is stupid. We Germans don't have guns and we can live with it well.

Sorry for my bad English and thanks for all the good things you wrote.

At 7:45 AM, Blogger Graham said...

Welcome anonymous! German readers will always be welcome at Graham's Journal.

I understand your aversion to guns. I don't own a gun, and have no interest in hunting animals. But you must understand that the right to own guns is one of America's most valued rights, part of the original Bill of Rights as the second amendment.

Michael Buchanan, I have a hard time believing that the VP will be able to get away with anything considering the intense media scrutiny following this event.

At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband was shot and killed on Fort Sill base. He was over at a friends house and the guy brought out some guns he shouldn't have even had and accidently shot my husband. So yes, these things do happen and we all must learn something from it one way or the other!

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